
About Us

Corporate Profile

Domestic Business Offices

Takuwa has nine business offices nationwide. The offices are fully prepared to provide advice to people considering purchasing our products, and also provide support for the installation and operation of our equipment purchased.
For inquiries about our products or after-sales care, please contact any of our business offices.

Tokyo Branch
Senju MK Building, 5F, 13-13 Senju Miyamoto Town, Adachi Ward, Tokyo 120-0043
TEL: 03-3870-5301, FAX: 03-3870-5355
Sapporo Branch
Airy Building, 2F, 18-35-100 Kita-Hachijo Nishi, Chuo Ward, City of Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0008
TEL: 011-641-8962, FAX: 011-641-8963
Sendai Branch
Sendai KY Building, 5F, 3-10-19 Chuo, Aoba Ward, Sendai City 980-0021
TEL: 022-222-1261 FAX: 022-222-1262
Niigata Office
Yoneyama N Building, 4F, 4-1-23 Yoneyama, Chuo Ward, Niigata City, 950-0916
TEL: 025-241-7110, FAX: 025-241-7122
Nagoya Branch
216, Nagono Building North Wing, 1-14-18 Nagono, Nishi Ward, City of Nagoya, 451-0042
TEL: 052-581-2808, FAX: 052-581-5915
Osaka Branch
Tatsuno Nishitenma Building, 4F, 3-1-6 Nishitenma, Kita Ward, City of Osaka, 530-0047
TEL: 06-6365-1881, FAX: 06-6363-0084
Hiroshima Branch
TA Futaba Building, 6F, 1-4-18 Futaba no Sato, Higashi Ward, City of Hiroshima, 732-0057
TEL: 082-263-3105, FAX: 082-263-0259
Shikoku Office
1511-1 Tahi-Shimo Town, Takamatsu City, 761-8075
TEL: 087-814-3922, FAX: 087-814-3923
Kyushu Branch
10-28 Hie towne, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, 812-0014
TEL: 092-472-4260, FAX: 092-472-6134

Please feel free to contact us
for any questions and inquiries.

If you have any questions or concerns about our products, please feel free to contact us.
We accept your inquiries via the contact form on this website or by telephone.

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